We’ll ask you a series of questions about your porn preferences and then make recommendations based on your tastes and budget. This short porn quiz has no right or wrong answers. At the end we’ll link you to sites that best match your responses.
On Porn Explosion we cover a lot of very different adult sites. It can be difficult sorting through all of our options to find what works best for your sexual preferences and the cash you’re willing to drop. With our porn survey you simply choose your favorite video or text response at each step. We use these answers to come up with the best pornographic options for you! From the results you can go direct to our recommended sites, or read our full, in-depth reviews. We also include special deals and offers (if the site has them) so you can get a free trial or other bonuses.
No problem - to restart our survey just reload the page and start from the beginning. Choosing different answers to the questions will change the results at the end and present you with different sites to choose from.
Our quiz chooses from a handful of our favorite sites, but if you need more options you can click the Porn Explosion logo and see our full listing of sites. These are organized by category so you can narrow down your selection. At Porn Explosion our goal is not to sell you on anything - we include a huge number of free, streaming sites for those who aren’t ready to buy premium porn.