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Subscribers 377,000+
Number of posts per day 65+
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/r/GWcouples - pornhub/amateurs.com

User Rating:

Watching amateur couples fuck is one of porn explosions favorite pastimes. We search the web far and wide for the best amateur content. Our search brought us to /r/GWcouples. One of reddit’s best spots to find amateur porn. Searching through the feed we find everything from BDSM to a nice sensual blow job.

/r/GWcouples has 377,000 subscribers at the time of this review. You can expect around 60-70 posts per day. With that much content, you’ll have unlimited material to rub one out to. This sub has very few rules. No self promoting or anything illegal and only couples are allowed to post. Besides that, anything goes. So have fun!

Subreddit Stats

Subscribers 377,000+
Number of posts per day 65+
Picture sets Yes
Videos Yes

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