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Pornhub Amateurs - pornhub/amateurs.com

Pornhub Amateurs
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When you click into the Categories menu on pornhub.com, one of the top options before you get to the alphabetical list is the Verified Amateurs category. Many videos that have amateur in the title or tags are actually professional videos of girls acting like amateurs, etc. The videos included in Pornhub’s Verified Amateurs category are just that – users that Pornhub has verified as amateurs. So if you want to see an 18-year old taking a cock in her ass for the first time and not a professional dick rider pretending to do so, this section is for you. If you like watching dudes bang their step-moms or step-sisters but want to see the real thing and not cheesy acting, this is where you look.

The great thing about this section is that these are real users just like you. Okay, maybe not just like you since they probably have more followers unless you’re also a verified amateur. What that means is you can not only subscribe to their videos, but you can also send your favorites a friend request. If they accept, then you have access to message them. That’s not an option with the professional jizz bizzers locked away in pornland. No, these are real, next-door-type people who are just getting a little freaky on the side – maybe you’ll even come across someone you know. How’s THAT for your next conversation starter?! There’s a lot more opportunity for interaction here, so the possibilities of where that could lead you in your sexual escapades is wide open. If you find the right freak in your area, who knows?...

When searching in the Verified Amateurs category, if you click the Filters option, you have the ability to add one more category – anal, cumshots, blondes, etc. – to narrow the results down further.

The video quality in this section for the most part is obviously not what you’ll find in the professional videos, but there’s still plenty of hot action. And knowing that the action is real adds to the eroticism in many of the vids. And while some users just set a camera on a dresser while they fuck, some of them do a decent job of incorporating multiple cameras, getting some better angles and cleaner video, etc. So if the scripted, perfect-body professionals aren’t doing it for you, check out Pornhub’s Verified Amateurs category and see if that gets you worked back up.

Site Stats

Number of Videos 197,000+
HD Videos Yes
Picture Sets Yes
Mobile Friendly Yes

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