All the porn you want at the tips of your fingers. What a world we live in. At /r/porninaminute, not only can you find all the porn you could ever want, you find the best highlights and scenes all condensed into gifs that are one minute or less. /r/porninaminute is the best of the best. It's perfect for a quick nut.
/r/porninaminute hosts about 71,000 users. It’s not as large as some of the other porn subreddits so don’t expect many posts per day. On average, there are about 6-10 post every day, which isn't bad, but if you are looking for more, take a look at the top posts of the last year. That way you'll find hundreds of awesome gifs to beat off to. Not a lot of rules to follow here, the most important one is every gif must be at least 15 seconds long. If you don't have a lot of time but want to get off, take a look at /r/porninaminute.
Subscribers | 71,000 |
Number of posts per day | 5-10 |
Picture sets | No | Videos | Only gifs |