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PornMD - pornmd.com

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This one's a little different. PornMD is a specialized porn search engine that's part of the PornHub network of sites. It indexes and organizes media from 10 major adult sites like PornHub, RedTube, YouPorn, KeezMovies, and more. I've never actually used one of these before, so this should be an interesting experience.

By the numbers, PornMD is the 617th most trafficked website on the internet, 308th in the US, and the 57th ranked overall Adult site, so you might have actually heard of this one before. Let's dive in.

PornMD Content

The home page at PornMD is simple, clean and compact. It basically looks like the Google home page, with a logo and search bar. One thing that stands out immediately is the lack of advertisements. No screaming neon sex, no 15 second Reader's Digest summaries of the latest Brazzers video, no promises to fuck lonely local moms. You're not hit with that sensory overload noise immediately and it's refreshing. It's deceptively benign-looking for being a site specializing in the biggest porn sites on the web.

Mouseover the logo and it expands, showing the different pages and brands it searches through. You can pick one and roll with it, but I'm not sure why you'd do this over just going to that site. I hit the Random Search dice button and it pulls up results for Aletta Ocean and it gives me everything. It gives you the related tags (step sister, mom and son, teen, compilation, and caught), a stream of 2,830 tagged videos that I can sort by best match and most recent. We get a sampling of related trending searches that I'm not really sure how they're related, but I'll run with it, mostly names of other performers. There's a snippet of her porn star profile with images, aliases, bio (I just learned she's Hungarian – fact) and related performers. You've got additional filters on the opposite side of the page for duration, video quality, VR, date added, and source site. There's even a toggle to turn infinite scroll on/off. This is a lot to take in, but in a good way. Color me impressed so far.

Video links give very basic details, like title, duration, upload date, source site, and like ration. Mouseover gives an animated slideshow preview, which is just one step below the gold standard of fully animated preview. I click the first video link and it takes me to RedTube. This is the first time things start to look like a usual porn site. There's the embedded media player surrounded by dick pill and CG fuckdoll ads. Anything further turns this in to a review of RedTube, let's move on.

PornMD Search

PornMD Categories

There's not an obvious Categories page, so I just clicked on the Most Popular link and that brought me to this amazing page that starts with a rolling ticker-tape display of live searches. The first one I saw was “oldblackman comemyroom fuckmywife” and I knew I was in the right place. “behind the door”, “lay you mom”, “big boobis”, “granny humiliate” this is comedy gold, I want to see this running on CNN. There goes “dad fist” and “convincing step sister”, OK, we have to keep going.

Below the live feed is a collection of the most popular searches and tags, which basically serves as the Category page. There's all the expected links like Big Tits, Big Ass, Teen, Lesbian, MILF, etc, and since they're alphabetical and user-generated, we get some real winners like “can he score”, “cap d agde” (???) and “i fucking hate cum!”.

Star Power

There's a Pornstars link that shows the top 5 trending performers, but I honestly don't recognize any of them. Where the hell is everyone searching Onyx Muse so much? Whatever, this is a search engine, it better have everything I'm looking for. Puma Swede? 2000+ videos. Dylan Ryder? 1037 results. Let's go deeper. Cherry Potter? It's a grab bag, but that's definitely her in a lot of these videos and that's her profile. Cathy Barry? That's her page too.

Lisa Ann's page has a weird discrepancy. According to PornMD, one of her aliases is Zina Sunshine, which does not seem at all credible. The page for Zina Sunshine is a hodgepodge of performers and media, including some hentai screen grabs. What happened here? This is strange.

Speaking of Lisa Ann, they don't have that stupid bathtub lifeguard scene of hers that always cracks me up. Or, at least it's not one of the first 50 that pops up when you search “lisa ann bathtub lifeguard”. I try “lisa ann lifeguard” and “lisa ann baywatch” before I give up.


PornMD is part of the PornHub network, so it's linked to one of the biggest pages out there, along with most of its affiliates and subsidiaries. It's maybe the most popular porn network out there, you can't do better.


There's a login button at the top of the homepage and as soon as I clicked it pulled my profile data from PornHub, which is convenient, but I'd appreciate a bit of a warning next time before they just flaunt how much of my data they have. Profiles are barebones at best, mostly just a way to save search settings. You can view your search history and edit the default search settings here, that's it.

The Money Shot

PornMD has certainly been an interesting experience. It's part of the biggest porn network on the internet, so it carries at least a degree of credibility, which is why it's kind of strange when you see glaringly odd or inaccurate or just plain bizarre results sometimes. I guess you can chalk some of that up to algorithms and user input, but the blemishes really stand out here and can just be confusing at times. I know I don't want my browsing experience interrupted by head scratching moments of internet dementia, but maybe that just comes down to preference. Other than the weird idiosyncracies that kept popping up, PornMD offered an optimal porn search experience. It bills itself as a comprehensive search, but you basically get the same results you would on any of your preferred pages, which always brings up the damning question of “why am I here and not on PornHub?” B+

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