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Boodigo - Boodigo.com

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Boodigo.com is a search engine that specializes in one thing: helping you find the perfect porn and the perfect jerk. Offering an open web search, as well as searching within specific categories of sites, boodigo.com seeks to cater to your every whim as you have it, allowing you to search thousands of sites to find just the perfect set of boobies.

Boodigo Content

Boodigo.com’s content is essentially whatever you want to search, as it doesn’t cater to any specific niche in particular. You can search any term, kink, or niche desire you want and then scroll through the search results to see what treasure you’ve found.

Beyond just a broad search, the site does allow searches to be narrowed down into each of these sites: Tumblr, Blogspot, and Clips4Sale. If you happen to be especially fond of any of those sites, boodigo.com offers searches specifically for them! However, you probably won’t be searching Tumblr much, as they’ve recently banned pornography from the site (RIP).

Even though there isn’t specific content, per se, how the content is delivered and what sites come up are different than a typical search engine. The website works closely with the adult industry and is designed to show sites that porn that doesn’t infringe on copyright and are authorized by the claim holder. For example, if I search “Esperanza Gomez,” the first sites that appear are official sites for the model or porn sites that have licensed videos of her (Brazzers, for instance). A pleasant experience if you’re wanting to more ethically enjoy your pornography.

Boodigo.com also specializes in anonymous porn surfing. They don’t use any cookies or tracking software, and they offer an encrypted search option, offering the most private and secure search. This is a great feature if you’re afraid of Big Brother peeping in on your peeper.

Aside from that, there aren’t any kind of paywalls or annoying popup ads. It is pretty straightforward: a porn search engine.

Boodigo Search

Boodigo Categories

Like we’ve said, there aren’t specific categories on the site aside from the three websites you can choose to search in: Clips4Sale, Tumblr, and Blogspot. Since the site is designed with the professional adult industry in mind, you’re going to have far better luck searching specific studios or models as opposed to the genre of porn. The more niche and specific your search, the less accurate the search results are.

The categorization of Clips4Sale, Tumblr, and Blogspot was likely meant to remedy that void with contained amateur options from sites that are typically well tagged and usually post original content. However, Tumblr is no longer a porn option, and you’re at the mercy of the other two site’s content and tagging.

Star Power

The star power of boodigo.com is fantastic, as it was designed with the adult industry in mind. Searching the name of your favorite actor or actress shows dozens of applicable search results, including any personal pages, as well as studios they are associated with. You’ll even get a headshot with a brief description on the right-hand side of the results!

Sadly, there is no way to browse or discover models on the site. You gotta do the searching and hard work yourself!


Boodigo.com is itself independent, but it has partnered itself with a handful of other sites for specific purposes. They are partnered with ASACP.org, which directs users using specific terms of illegal content to resources on that page; PornGuardian, which is an anti-piracy firm specializing in pornographic content, and IAFD.com, which provides an abundance of information about searched actors and actresses.


This is a search engine. There are no subscriptions.

The Money Shot

Boodigo.com is a great, specialized search engine that is wonderful for searching for professional adult content. Searching for specific models brings an absolute ass-ton of sites and information, you’ll be writing biographies over Jenna Jameson in no time. The option to have a completely secure and private searching experience is bar-none to any other porn search experience on the web, and maintaining your privacy is a tall order in this day in age.

However, if you want to search via genre or general search term, this site is absolute ass. Sponsored search results aren’t specifically marked as such, so if you search “ebony lesbians,” the second result might be “the best casino slots,’ (yes, this actually happened). Several of the top sites are dead sites or sites that are completely unrelated to what you searched, even if it is porn. It leaves a lot to be desired.

Overall, a great search engine for professional porn actresses, and an ass search engine for anything else.

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