NudeVista is a free porn tube video indexing and search engine site. It also indexes photo galleries, and provides category tags and other data about all the videos and galleries on the site. This allows users to search the contents of several dozen free sites at once, and find porn content that matches exactly what they’re looking for at any given time. It’s a bit like a typical search engine in design, and similar to other index sites, with results showing up as rows of thumbnails and associated information about the videos or galleries they reference.
The site is a stand-alone, run by a company called Tokyo Group, Inc., doing business as NudeVista, based in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Their Alexa has them standing around 3,000th most-visited site globally by traffic across all categories, and better than 2,000th in the US.
NudeVista indexes over 27 million porn tube videos and 1.6 million picture galleries. It also has a directory of over 40,000 adult stars that can be used to search for videos featuring those stars, learning more about them, and so on. The main draw, the video index, functions like a search engine, with powerful syntax tools to let you hone in on just the kind of porn you are looking for. You can search for multiple keywords or categories, limit results to certain tube sites, and so on.
Results can be filtered and sorted based on duration, quality, orientations, date of indexing, and popularity. They can also be browsed via a few hundred high-level categories (which just uses the category name as the search term). All results come up with a thumbnail, indication of HD (when available), length, title, source, tags, and when it was indexed or added. In many cases, the models featured are also indexed and provided as part of that tile of information. Users who have signed up for a free account can adjust their search preferences, and add certain videos to their favorites for easy access.
A nice feature is that the thumbnails of videos on mouseover show brief slideshows of frames from the video, advancing at about 1 slide/second. This isn’t quite as dynamic as the previews you’ll see on PornHub, YouTube, Bing Video, and other sites, but it’s definitely better than just a still image. You can also change the background color, if the mostly-white, Google-like interface is a bit too bright for you during late-night fapping sessions.
Since NudeVista indexes many free tube video sites and photo galleries, the content that can be found includes pretty much any category, so long as it’s legal. It’s all dependent on what’s present on the tube sites which it indexes, of course, as none of the content is original to NudeVista. With over 27 million videos, there are usually pages upon pages of results even for the more hard-to-find fetishes and kinks.
The free videos that can be found through NudeVista include amateur and professional content from many tube sites around the Internet. As a result, the full range of adult stars of yesterday and today can typically be found in videos indexed here.
At the same time, they have a directory featuring over 40,000 adult stars, with a detailed search function. Users can search this directory based on all manner of physical attributes, country, when they were active in the industry, age, and so on, as well as browse the stars whose videos are most popular and trending on the site.
NudeVista is a stand-alone site and is not part of any network or studio.
Everything on NudeVista is totally free. You can sign up and get a login, which will enable you to save your preferences, add videos and models to your favorites, and in general personalize the experience a bit more, but this is entirely optional.
If you don’t already have a favorite porn tube search engine or index site, check out NudeVista. It’s straightforward and simple, like Google – the design and layout aren’t groundbreaking, but it is easy to get at what you’re looking for. The search engine has several advanced operators, something a lot of tube search sites don’t offer. Add to that the indexing of photo galleries, the adult star directory, and advanced results features, plus working well on mobile, and it’s clear that NudeVista is designed to help you get to the porn you want, as fast and easily as possible.