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Gelbooru Review - Gelbooru.com

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Gelbooru is a hentai and anime imageboard that was registered in 2005. It’s independently run, and not affiliated with any network. As of February, 2019, Gelbooru.com is the 1,043rd most-visited website in the world, the 91st most-visited adult site, and the 517th most-visited website in the United States. Its Alexa ranking is 4,948th worldwide, and 2,489th in the US.

Gelbooru Content

Gelbooru hosts millions of anime and hentai images. We lost count after 12 million, but suffice it to say that there is a ton of content here. Not all of it is adult, but roughly 90% of it is. The remainder is mostly fanart.

Gelbooru’s homepage looks like a search engine. You type in what you’re looking for, and click Search. The site will display thumbnails of all the images that match your criteria. If there are too many choices and you want to narrow them further, there’s a list of categories on the left side of the page. Clicking the + sign next to a category will display only results within that category, while clicking the - sign will exclude that category from your results.

Once you’ve found some pictures you like, simply click a thumbnail to open the main image page. This will show you a full resolution version of the picture, with a description by the uploader and user comments displayed underneath. There’s no download link, but all images can be downloaded by right-clicking them. One thing that’s missing is a slideshow feature. Images are only shown individually, and you have to go back to the search page to open a new one. When one of your hands is occupied elsewhere, this is not cool.

At first, we couldn’t find anything we searched for. This was puzzling, since it’s hard to imagine a hentai site without a single Princess Peach image. We figured it out pretty quickly. Gelbooru’s search engine has some funky mechanics and only searches by predefined tags. Since tags can’t contain a space, they use an underscore (_) instead. So instead of searching for “Princess Peach”, you would need to search for “Princess_Peach”.

Because these images are original creations by fans, resolution and format vary. That said, the quality is generally high, without any of the quick, silly doodles that pollute a lot of imageboards. Because this is an imageboard, you won’t find any live cams, videos, VR content, games or erotic stories. Gelbooru is all pictures, all the time.

This site is ad supported, but it doesn’t look bad at all. Ads display only on search result pages, not on the homepage or individual image pages. There’s a banner ad at the top and the bottom of the page, and a larger block of ads at the very bottom. The ads are mostly for other hentai sites, without any weird, disgusting or distracting pictures.

The mobile site is basically a slimmed down version of the desktop site. The category filters on the left side of the page are removed in the mobile version, but can be accessed via a dropdown menu at the top of the page.

Gelbooru Search

Gelbooru Categories

Holy Wasabi sauce, Batman! There are over 500,000 tags on Gelbooru. A lot of these tags for artists who have only one or two images, but even 100,000 legitimate tags is absolutely mind-boggling. If you’re curious what’s available, you can click the tags link at the top of the page to access a complete list, and search for terms you like. This is entertaining, but isn’t really more useful than running a regular search.

With the volume of porn on this site, it’s safe to say that there’s content in every conceivable category. To test this theory, we searched for the word “bandana”, which isn’t typically considered a sexy word. The search returned over 12,000 results. Case closed.

No matter your gender, orientation or kink, there’s something here you’ll love.

Star Power

Unless you count X-rated fanart of celebrities, there aren’t any real-life stars on this site. Let’s be honest, though. You aren’t visiting a hentai site to see porn stars. You’re visiting it to watch Erika from Pokemon give a guy a boob job, or see what Samus from Metroid looks like without her suit on. Somebody even made a bunch of Stardew Valley porn. Trust us, your favorite characters are here, and they’re naked.


Gelbooru.com is an independent site that isn’t affiliated with any network. They do, however, link to Thedoujin.com, which is an affiliated site that focuses strictly on artwork done in anime style. Gelbooru also links to a video site called Gydadc.com, but we can’t tell what their relationship is. The only info on Gydadc.com is that it’s copyrighted by “who cares”.


Gelbooru is 100% free to use. Anyone can visit, view and download images. That said, there are a few perks to signing up for a free membership.

For one, members can save images to a favorites list for easy access. Members can also save entire searches, so if you have a complex keyword and category combination you love, you can skip all the clicking and just run the saved search. Finally, members can

Black Porn
list tags so that they’ll never show up in results. Users can also support Gelbooru on Patreon. Patrons get additional perks like beta access to site updates and an ad-free experience.

The Money Shot

Gelbooru is a top-notch free imageboard that’s extremely searchable. With over 12 million images and counting, there’s plenty of content here for even the horniest users. We’d like to see a slideshow option for viewing search results, but nothing in life is perfect. This is a high-quality site overall, and should be on every hentai lover’s favorites list.

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