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Beeg - beeg.com

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Beeg.com is a free porn site which offers a wide variety of porn videos available to stream. Although unlike most porn websites, Beeg takes a different approach to providing users with porn. While most free porn websites give the user a wide range of control over what kind of content they can search for, Beeg shows the user a limited number of videos of all kinds in a chronologically listed timeline similar to that of websites like Tumblr. While this provides a more streamlined experience for the user who is looking to quickly find content, it severely limits the users ability to specify what kind of content they are looking for.

Beeg appears to be independently owned and operated from the Czech Republic. There are no affiliated producers, studios or websites to speak of, and like most free porn websites, Beeg sources its contents from third-party studios and users, who are able to upload their own content to the site. Beeg appears to be a small operation. With a global Alexa ranking of 461 and a United States ranking of 416 as of November 2019, Beeg is an extremely popular website.

Beeg Content

As a free porn video website, Beeg produces none of its own content, sourcing its library entirely from third party studios. While the total number of available videos is hard to pin down, the largest categories list numbers in the tens of thousands. It is unlikely that Beeg has any more than about ten or twenty thousand videos. Compared with similar websites that have content libraries numbering in the hundreds of thousands and even millions, Beeg has a very small library of content to choose from.

One of Beeg's best features is also one of its worst: the user interface. Beeg has a very sleek, modern, minimalistic design, emphasizing efficiency over options. The front page of Beeg displays a grid showing dozens of video thumbnails without any title or indication of the content contained within. When the user clicks on a video, the thumbnail is expanded and the video begins to play on the same page, providing the user with additional information regarding the video and the performers it features. While this design is aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate, it also limits the user's ability to search for content. The Tumblr-esque layout of the site and seemingly random nature of the videos featured on the front page introduce an element of surprise to the selection a user can pick from.

The content itself is about what you can expect: mostly professionally produced videos featuring big name stars and new performers alike. Most of the videos appear to be of high-quality.

Beeg Videos

Beeg Categories

Videos are sorted by way of Beeg's “Tag” system. Despite Beeg's limited total number of videos available, there are a wide range of categories from which to choose from, although many of these categories have a very small number videos available, sometimes falling as low in number as single digits. Beeg likewise has a search bar available for users looking for specific terms not featured in the Tag system, but given the relatively small amount of content available, the efficacy of such a feature is limited.

Star Power

Like many other porn sites which feature content from professional studios, the presence of both well-known and niche porn stars on Beeg is apparent. Amateur performers are featured as well, and their presence on Beeg is surprisingly significant, considering Beeg's small video library. A notable omission from Beeg's website is the categorization of videos by specific performers. Where most websites at Beeg's level promote “featured” performers, Beeg lacks such a function entirely. This is a notable omission on Beeg's part, likely keeping with their theme of minimalism. However, this lack may be off-putting to some users who enjoy browsing videos by specific websites.


Beeg appears to be independently owned, and completely unaffiliated with any other studios, distributors, or streaming websites.


Beeg is completely free to use, and there are no subscription fees to speak of. In addition, there are no user accounts one can sign up for.

The Money Shot

Beeg is a unique contender in the world of free porn websites. Its design is aesthetically minimalistic, with an emphasis on efficiency and quick browsing, and while this modern design may be easy on the eyes, it inherently limits functionality for the user. For those who are not particularly discerning in the kind of content they are looking for, Beeg will work just fine, but the limited search options available, as well as the lack of user accounts, may be a dealbreaker for many users. Beeg's limited video content, too, makes it a weak competitor with similar sites that offer content libraries numbering in the hundreds of thousands and millions of videos. Additionally, the lack of ability to browse by performer is a notable omission that many other competing websites offer.

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