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Cliphunter - cliphunter.com

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Cliphunter offers a wide variety of free video content to users, ranging in quality from professionally-produced content to homemade amateur videos submitted by users. Although the total number of videos available to stream on Cliphunter is unknown, the wide range of clips within individual categories listed on the website seems to indicate that the number is somewhere in the higher tens of thousands, representing a modest library of content for users to view.

Cliphunter appears to be independently owned and unaffiliated with any larger studio or network, although it does maintain a connection to other free websites such as Pichunter and Gexo. The current place of operation for Cliphunter is currently unknown. With a global Alexa ranking of 7,972 and a United States ranking of 4,190, Cliphunter is quite popular.

Cliphunter Content

As Cliphunter is unaffiliated with any other studio or distribution network, all of the content featured on its website is sourced from third party producers, whether independent studios or amateur submissions by everyday users. The videos featured on Cliphunter are your expected type of content, featuring a wide range of clips of varying genres, lengths, and categories. Clips range in length from 5-10 minute highlights of longer videos to full-length movies. Users are encouraged to submit their own content, whether professional films made by large studios, or original, homemade content.

The user interface of Cliphunter, while somewhat outdated, is mostly functional and serves to make browsing a mostly easy and pain free experience for the user. Cliphunter further supports an on-site blog, where updates and concerns can be addressed to the wider userbase. While Cliphunter doesn't support a full message board, it encourages social interaction on its website, prominently featuring comments from select videos on its front page.

Cliphunter Video

Cliphunter Categories

Cliphunter features a sophisticated categorization system that makes browsing video content easy for any user. Videos are categorized by popular genre on the left sidebar, with typical stand-bys such as Teen, MILF, Coed and Group Sex featured prominently. All the major genres are represented, although compared to other similar websites, Cliphunter seems to lack a selection of niche categories which are typically found on other sites.

Videos are further categorized by performer, with a Top 5 Performers section featured prominently on the front page. In addition to this, registered users can create public playlists of specific types of videos for all other users to take advantage of. Playlists can be sorted by keyword, or otherwise organized by follower count. Finally, videos are sorted by the Best Of in a certain time frame, ranging from the past day, past week, past month, past year, and a special Hall of Fame section.

Star Power

As with most free porn websites, Cliphunter features videos which star a large number of well-known performers, along with up-and-coming stars and niche favorites. This is mainly due to the fact that their material is sourced from other well-known studios. While this provides a large variety of content which users can choose from, it also opens up the risk of popular videos being removed due to copyright claims. The Top 5 Performers feature as well enables users to discover new and notable performers who may not otherwise get the attention they deserve.


As previously mentioned, Cliphunter appears to be an independently owned website that is unaffiliated with any larger producer or studio. While this may be the case, Cliphunter appears to be partnered with several other websites of a similar nature, such as Pichunter and Gexo.


While Cliphunter is completely free to use, users are able to register for free accounts, which give them the ability to access several bonus features, such as personal and public playlists and the ability to comment on videos and the on site blog. Cliphunter, unlike many other similar websites, takes a hands-on approach to user relations, encouraging interaction with registered users by featuring the best comments on its front page, and actively interfacing with users on the blog. This is a unique feature for a porn website, as most of them tend to remain faceless and distant from their users.

The Money Shot

Cliphunter, while somewhat outdated in its user interface, is a well-designed website with an emphasis on user interaction with the website owners. It carries a modest collection of video, and while it has a limited number of niche categories from which users can browse, it has enough content to satisfy most users. Likewise, users are able to register for accounts that enable them to interact with the website owners and other users, giving the site a sense of community that other similar sites tend to lack. Just as well, users are able to create and share their own playlists of videos. Overall, Cliphunter provides a serviceable experience that allows users to efficiently find the perfect content for them

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