is a free porn video website. As with most free porn video website, Pornhost offers a wide variety of free videos for users to stream, most of which are edited clips of less than ten minutes in length edited down from longer, full-length movies. In addition to videos, Pornhost also has a wide range of still images available to download.
Pornhost is owned and operated by International Media, Ltd., and is affiliated with AdultFriendFinder, the premier adult social media and dating website. With a library of approximately 90,000 videos available to stream, Pornhost offers a fairly large amount of content, although certainly not the largest of all the free porn video websites out there. With a global Alexa ranking of 104,661, it is not particularly popular. Of all the countries from which Alexa gathers data, Pornhost is most popular in Japan, where it is ranking 31,960.
Like its competitors, Pornhost primarily offers a variety of free porn clips which users can both stream and download. Downloading video, unlike many porn websites, does not require users to sign up for an account, which is a nice feature that puts Pornhost somewhat apart from all of its other competitors.
Although managed by International Media, Ltd., Pornhost does not appear to produce any of its own content. Rather, it strictly hosts content produced by other studios and producers. As a result, much of the content hosted on Pornhost is fairly high quality, featuring name-brand stars and studios, as well as encouraging amateurs to submit their own content to the website. Unlike most porn websites which allow users to upload their own videos to the website, however, Pornhost offers users who upload their own content 50% of the revenue generated by the ads on the website, meaning that users with popular videos can potentially make a fair bit of money on Pornhost. This is an especially nice feature that sets Pornhost apart from the others.
Unfortunately, however, the site is plastered with ads, seemingly much more than its competitors, and these unsightly advertisements can be an eyesore for users used to a more refined approach. The site design, in general, is rather outdated as well. This won’t be an issue for users who don’t particularly care about the look of the website they use, but for those who are more particular in their choice of video streaming websites, this will be a definite downside for them.
In terms of categories, Pornhost is rather limited in what it offers users. The typical popular choices are available, such as Anal, Creampie, Lesbian, and Interracial, although more niche categories are overlooked entirely. In fact, the website seems to categorize its videos into only about two dozen or so discrete categories. This means that users looking for more niche content will have to make use of the search bar only, which may or may not get them what they are looking for. For most users, this won’t be a particularly big issue, but for those with very specific porn interests, they may be better suited looking somewhere else.
Despite featuring many videos from professional studios, Pornhost appears to lack many big name porn performers in its video library. This is likely due to copyright issues, with more popular stars attempting to control their brand, but the distinct lack of certain name brand performers is a notable absence which other competing websites seem to not have a problem with. It would appear that most of the content available on Pornhost is either amateur or features unknown and up-and-coming stars in professionally produced videos.
Pornhost is managed by International Media, Ltd. and is affiliated with AdultFriendFinder, an adult social media and dating website. It would not appear, however, that Pornhost has any specific studio partners providing them content. Rather, their content is sourced from different studios, with most content being uploaded by individual users of the website rather than by the studios themselves. As a result, this leads to potentially damaging copyright issues with the bigger studios.
Pornhost is completely free to use, and users need not sign up for an account to access the content available. However, doing so allows them to upload their own videos. Pornhost is unique in that it gives uploaders 50% of the ad revenue generated by the videos individual users upload, meaning that users can make a fair amount of money by uploading popular videos.
Pornhost is a decent porn video website with some interesting features that enable it to stand out from the crowd. The most notable of these are the ability to earn revenue from ads on videos that users upload, a notable feature which sets Pornhost apart. However, the website is rather ugly to look at, and the ads are intrusive even for a free porn website. In addition, it’s lackluster video library and lack of categories by which users can browse mean Pornhost is not the best porn website out there. Despite its positive features, Pornhost is still weighed down by some notable cons that keep it from becoming more popular and widely used.
Number of Videos | 90,000+ |
HD Videos | Yes | Picture Sets | Yes | Mobile Friendly | Yes |