Like most other free porn tube websites such as Pornhub and XNXX, 3Movs offers a wide variety of free adult video content for users to stream. Compared to these, however, 3Movs has a much smaller library of available video content, with approximately 39,000 videos available to stream compared to the millions available on the bigger porn tube websites, such as those mentioned earlier. 3Movs, however, distinguishes itself by being a website “built for proper porn fans”. This means 3Movs takes the time to make sure the videos they offer are of a higher quality and resolution than most other porn websites, which is a huge bonus for viewers. With a global Alexa ranking of 3,459 as of February 2023 and a ranking of 4,027 in the United States, where it is the most popular, 3Movs is an extremely popular porn website.
3Movs offers a somewhat small, yet high quality collection of free porn videos to stream. As noted on their website, 3Movs is a website “built for proper porn fans” that prides itself on high quality videos. While most free porn websites offer videos in a low quality FLV format, 3Movs offers all of its content in hand-ripped H.264 HD codec, meaning all of the videos featured on the website are crystal clear and of very high video quality. This dedication to quality is what sets 3Movs apart from the competition, and makes up for their relatively small content library of just about 39,000 videos.
The videos featured on 3Movs run the gamut of professionally produced pornographic clips, with videos from well known studios featuring popular performers regularly featured. While the total amount of content featured on 3Movs may be somewhat small, they make up for it in terms of quality and dedication to customer service, a notable plus for a free porn tube website.
Perhaps as a reflection of their relatively small video library, 3Movs also features a smaller number of categories by which users can browse their content. Popular favorites such as Teen, MILF, Threesome, Big Tits, Small Tits, Interracial and Muffdiving are all available for users to view. Niche categories, however, are not well represented here. Given 3Movs’ lack of total videos, users looking for very niche content may be better off looking for content elsewhere. 3Movs, while emphasizing quality over quantity, tends to focus on videos that will appeal to the masses, as a rule.
As all of 3Movs’ content is sourced from third party professional studios and producers, most of the content featured on the website stars very well known porn performers such as Priya Price, Mia Khalifa, Lisa Ann, Sara Jay, Riley Reid, and Piper Perri, among others. A useful feature that 3Movs makes use of is a side column on every page that lists the most popular porn stars featured on their website. Users looking for all of the videos featuring a certain performer can simply click on their name and filter out everything else. This emphasis on specific performers is another testament to 3Movs’ dedication to its users concerns.
3Movs has been independently owned and operated since 2004 and is not associated or affiliated with any other third party porn studio, producer, or network. While this allows 3Movs to control the type of content they wish to see on the website, it also means that their videos may be subject more often to copyright notices.
3Movs offers free membership profiles to its website. However, the features and benefits of these are limited. As 3Movs emphasizes the quality of all uploaded videos, users are not permitted to upload their own videos, to prevent low quality videos from being uploaded to the website. Users may, however, comment and save their favorite videos with a free user profile. There does not appear to be a paid premium account available.
3Movs is a site “built for proper porn fans”, as their website notes. Owned and operated independently since 2004, 3Movs makes it their mission to provide high quality, free porn videos to fans. This dedication to quality is what sets 3Movs apart from the competition, despite a relatively small total number of videos available to view. Ultimately, 3Movs is a solid choice for anyone looking for a free porn tube website. It’s library, while small, is sure to have something for most users, although viewers with niche interests may be better off looking for content somewhere else.
Number of Videos | 39,000+ |
HD Videos | Yes | Picture Sets | Yes | Mobile Friendly | Yes |